Thursday, March 5, 2020

Heres a Tip, Go Ahead and Tip

Here's a Tip, Go Ahead and Tip Uploaded to Flickr by: Giorgio Montersino Weve all been there. Youre with some friends at a restaurant, and it seems as though your server has more important things to do than take care of you, even if youre the only table in their section. Or youre at a hotel, and the valet brings out your car, and hes holding out his handDoes he want a high-five? Why is he staring at me? Say youre out on the green and the beer girl comes up, shes not looking for handouts, shes just genuinely nice, and great at her job. That pizza guy is soaking wet from the rain, and a few minutes late, but your pizza is still hot and delicious. All of these people are working hard, even if you dont think so. And all of them have motives for staying at the low-paying jobs. So go ahead and tip them. According to a survey, 45% of adults leave a tip of 10% or less, even nothing if they feel the service was  sub-par. I mean, I understand being upset with a waiter or waitress. I once left a restaurant because I had been sitting down for a good 15 minutes without anyone even coming up to me and saying, Im really busy but Ill be right with you, or something of that nature. Ive had waitresses come check on me never, even when the group I was with were her only customers. Ive had a waiter bring my friend something completely different from what she ordered. Ive had straight-up rude servers. Trust me, I would love to not tip them. But, you have to realize that they dont get paid much. The US wage for tipped workers is $2.13, minimum wage is normally $7.25. And you may be thinking, Oh, but they get lots of tips. Heres the thing, you and everyone else think that, but nobody actually tips! I have multiple friends in the food industry, and they hardly get by. And then there are people like me. Im on an unpaid internship, and there are times where I serve people food, beer, and ice cream. People would come up multiple times, and not even give me a dollar. Im happy just to get a thank-you! Now, granted, its not a huge city, but still, when youre getting food and drinks for free, you should tip your server. You should tip that valet guy, the cart girl, the guy holding your pizza, and even that not-so-friendly-waitress. As trite as it sounds, you dont know their lives. They could be struggling to get through school, or just trudging through life. They could be trying to raise a family, or helping their parents. Times are tough, and people can use anything they can get. Dont be overly frugal!

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